The table below lists the bibliography of sources from other geographic areas to be found on our bookshelves. Where newer editions were found in the preparation of the list, the new edition is listed. Scan the list, or Sort using the Region column, or use the Search box to find a keyword.
Region | Source | MCG Comments, or from others (cited) |
Africa | West African Food in the Middle Ages: According to Arabic Sources. Tadeusz Lewicki. 280 pages. . Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN 521102022 | A rare source, may not be up-to-date on current cultural research. |
China/Mongolia | Food in Chinese Culture: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. K. C. Chang. 448 pages. New Edition. Yale University Press, 1977 . ISBN 300027591 | |
China/Mongolia | Soup for the Quan. Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson . 732 pages. 1st edition. Routledge, 2016. ISBN 1138982571 | |
China/Mongolia | The Land of the Five Flavors: A Cultural History of Chinese Cuisine (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History). Thomas O. Höllmann. 216 pages. Columbia University Press, 2013 . ISBN 231161867 | Small percentage on period food. |
Dutch | The Sensible Cook: Dutch Foodways in the Old and New World (New York State Series). Peter G. Rose. 168 pages. 1st edition. Syracuse University Press, 1998. ISBN 081560503X | The most favored Dutch cookbook of the 17th century. (Amazon) |
Greek | Courtesans and Fishcakes : The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens. James Davidson. 372 pages. 2nd edition. University of chicago Press, 2011. ISBN 60977663 | |
Greek | Meals and Recipes from Ancient Greece (J. Paul Getty Museum). Eugenia Salza Prina Ricotti. 128 pages. . Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 892368764 | The recipes are modernized, we find some some translations problematic. |
Greek | Siren Feasts — A History of Food and Gastronomy in Greece. Andrew Dalby. 320 pages. . Routledge Books, 1996. ISBN 415156572 | Review of foods, preparation and service from the beginning of Greek civilization through Byzantium. We’re told they skimp on the Byzantine section. |
Herbals | Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs. Claire Kowalchik and William H. Hylton, Editors. 545 pages. . Rodale Press, 2000. ISBN 878576991 | A modern source for extensive description of common herbs, with illustrations, modern uses, cultivation, history, and description of plant. |
Herbals | The Four Seasons of the House of Cerruti. Judith Spencer, translator. 142 pages. Facsimile. Facts on File, 1984. ISBN 816001383 | English, Italian, Latin |
Herbals | The Fruit, Herbs and Vegetables of Italy. Giacomo Castelvetro. Gillian Riley, Tanslator. 176 pages. 1st. Viking Adult, 1990. ISBN 067082724X | |
Herbals | The Medieval Health Handbook, Tacuinum sanitatis. Luisa Cogliati Arano. 153 pages. . Barrie & Jenkins, 1976. ISBN 214202070 | |
Iceland | Libellus de arte coquinaria: An Early Northern Cookery Book (Volume 222) (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies). Rudolf Grewe. Constance B. Hieatt, Editor. 328 pages. . ACMRS Press, 2001. ISBN 866982647 | |
Periodicals | Petits Propos Culinaires. Multiple authors. Prospect Books. ISBN not relevant | A scholarly periodical with essays and notes on the history of food, cookery and cookery books. PPC is published 3 times per year. (PPC website). Subscribe. Also, back issues are available, contact the publishers via the website. |
Periodicals | Serve It Forth! A periodical on topics of interest to SCA cooks. There were approximately 4 issues per year. Out of print.. Mary Morman, Editor. pages. . . ISBN none | These magazines are no longer in print. Find a friend who has these and borrow. |
Poland | Food and Drink in Medieval Poland: Rediscovering a Cuisine of the Past. Maria Dembińska. 256 pages. Translation. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. ISBN 812232240 | If you read Polish, we are told the original version in Polish is better. |
Russia | The Domostroi. Carolyn Johnston Pouncy, Editor/Translator. 266 pages. . Diane Publishng Company, 2007. ISBN 801496896 | A Russian household manual from the 16th c. Includes instructions for buying & storing food, menus & a few recipes. |
Serving | Rituals of Dinner: The Origins, Evolution, Eccentricities, and Meaning of Table Manners. Margaret Visser. 432 pages. . Grove Press, 1991 . ISBN 802111165 | |
Serving | The Beauty of the Fold: A Conversation with Joan Sallas. Charlotte Birnbaum. 88 pages. . Sternberg Press, 2012. ISBN 1934105988 | Sallas shares his wisdom, which Charlotte Birnbaum contextualizes in two essays on the history of napkin folding. The texts are accompanied by an illustrated catalogue of folding techniques. (Google Books) |
The Americas | America’s First Cuisines. Sophie D. Coe. 288 pages. 1st. University of Texas Press, 1994. ISBN 029271159X | No recipes, data from Spanish sources. |