Rome and Italy

The table below lists the bibliography of sources from Ancient Rome and from Italy, to be found on our bookshelves. Where newer editions were found in the preparation of the list, the new edition is listed. Scan the list, or Sort using the Region column, or use the Search box to find a keyword.

RegionSourceMCG comments, or from others (cited)
ItalyDa Vinci’s Kitchen: A Secret History of Italian Cuisine. Dave DeWitt. 214 pages. . BenBella Books, 2006. ISBN 1933771070
ItalyPlatina’s on Right Pleasure and Good Health: A Critical Abridgement and Translation of De Honesta Voluptate Et Valetudine. Platina, Author. Mary Ella Milham, Translator. 220 pages. English translation. Pegasus Press, 1999. ISBN 1889818127
ItalyRenaissance Recipes: Painters and Food. Gillian Riley. 96 pages. . Pomegranate Artbooks 1993. ISBN 1566405777
ItalyTastes and Temptations: Food and Art in Renaissance Italy. John Varriano. 280 pages. 1st edition. University of California Press, 2009. ISBN 520259041There are no recipes in this book. The pictures are good.
ItalyThe Art of Cooking, Pie Making, Pastry Making, and Preserving: Arte de cocina, pastelería, vizcochería y conservería. Francisco Martinez Montiño. Carolyn A. Nadeau, Translator. 760 pages. Bilingual. University of Toronto Press, 2023. ISBN 1487549377Bilingual edition of Arte de cocina.
ItalyThe Art of Cooking: The First Modern Cookery Book (California Studies in Food and Culture) Recipes of Maestro Martino of Como, 15th century. Luigi Ballerini, Editor. Jeremy Parzen, Translator. 272 pages. 1st edition. University of California Press, 2004. ISBN 520232712Maestro Martino of Como is an important source of knowledge of Italian cuisine of his region before 1600.
ItalyThe Heritage of Italian Cooking. Lorenza De’Medici. 256 pages. 1st American edition. Random House, 1990. ISBN 394588762There are some original text recipes, but mostly this is a modern cookbook.
ItalyThe Neapolitan Recipe Collection: Cuoco Napoletano. Terence Peter Scully. 264 pages. . University of Michigan Press, 2000. ISBN 472109723Scappi is an important source of knowledge of Italian cuisine of his region before 1600.
ItalyThe Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570): L’arte et prudenza d’un maestro cuoco (The Art and Craft of a Master Cook) (Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library). Terence Scully, author/translator. 787 pages. . University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2008. ISBN 9781442611481Scappi’s original recipes in Italian and translations in English.
ItalyThe Oxford Companion to Italian Food. Gillian Riley. 672 pages. . Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 198606176This book has no recipes, lots of general information.
ItalyInvito alla mensa del mercante del Trecento/ An Invitation to the Table of a Merchant of the Trecento: Usi, arnesi e ricette della cucina medievale / … Utensils and Recipes in the Medieval Kitchen. Josephine Rogers Mariotti, Rosanna Caterina Proto Pisani, Editors. 48 pages. Bilingual. Edizioni Polistampa. ISBN 8859606101Original recipes in Italian and translations in English.
RomanA Taste of Ancient Rome. Ilaria Gozzini Giacosa, Author. Anna Herklotz, Translator. 239 pages. . University of Chicago Press, 1994. ISBN 226290328Good beginner book, some recipes, general information.
RomanAround the Roman Table: Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome. Patrick Faas, Author. Shaun Whiteside, Translator. 371 pages. . University of Chicago Press, 2005. ISBN 9780312239589We think this is a good introduction to this cuisine.
RomanCookery and Dining in Imperial Rome by Apicius. Joseph Dommers Vehling, Translator. 320 pages. . Seltzer Books, 2019. ISBN 1455442224Caution, we think this book has some odd translations.
RomanCooking Apicius. Sally Grainger. 128 pages. . Prospect Books, 2006. ISBN 1903018447Modern interpretations of recipes from the Apicius manuscript. No original recipes shown.
RomanThe Classical Cookbook: Revised Edition. Andrew Dalby, Sally Grainger. 160 pages. . J. Paul Getty Museum, 2012. ISBN 892363940The authors draw on a mass of fascinating sources beyond the familiar recipes of the Roman gourmet Apicius, who mainly described the food of the privileged classes at the end of the Roman Empire. (Amazon review)
ItalyPlatina: On Right Pleasure and Good Health (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, V. 168). Platina, Author. Mary Ella Milham, Translator. 511 pages. English translation. Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1998. ISBN 866982086English translation of Platina’s work.
RomanThe Roman Cookery Book: A Critical Translation of the Art of Cooking of Apicius, for Use in the Study and the Kitchen. Lisabeth Rosenbaum, Editor. Lushena Books, 2012. ISBN 1614272395Original recipes are discussed, there are no modern recipes. We fnd some translations problematic.
RomanThe Roman Cookery of Apicius. John Edwards. 352 pages. . Penguin Random House, 2009. ISBN 1846042046This book has creative modernizations of the recipes from Apicius.

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