This is the second part of an excerpt from a Book of Courtesy [a 15th century English treatise on manners]
Don’t cram your cheeks out with food like an ape, for if any one should speak to you, you can’t answer, but must wait.
Don’t eat on both sides of your mouth.
Don’t laugh with your mouth full, or sup up your potage noisily.
Don’t leave your spoon in the dish or on its side, but clean your spoon.
Let no dirt off your fingers soil the cloth.
Don’t put into the dish bread that you have once bitten.
Dry your mouth before you drink.
Don’t call for a dish once removed, or spit on the table: that’s rude.
Don’t scratch your dog.
If you blow your nose, clean your hand; wipe it with your skirt or put it through your tippet.
Don’t pick your teeth at meals, or drink with food in your mouth, as you may get choked, or killed, by its stopping your wind.
Tell no tale to harm or shame your companions.
Don’t stroke the cat or dog.
Don’t dirty the table cloth with your knife.
Don’t blow on your food, or put your knife in your mouth, or wipe your teeth or eyes with the table cloth.
If you sit by a good man, don’t put your knee under his thigh.
Don’t hand your cup to any one with your back towards him.
Don’t lean on your elbow, or dip your thumb into your drink, or your food into the salt cellar: That is a vice.
Don’t spit in the basin you wash in or loosely before a man of God.